Friday, May 12, 2006

From the oral history told by Dad...

He told me about Great China University which he studied in Western Shanghai in the 1930s. I tracked the history and found that Great China University is also Daxia University.Today, the site of Great China University is occupied by East China Normal University(华东师范大学) which was founded in 1951. Today, the University is situated on the bank of the Liwa River in the northwest area of the city near the Zhongshan light rail station.

Daxia University was founded in the early 20th century. The campus architecture is preserved after 100 years of history up to and after Liberation in 1949.

Dad said....

"I remembered that there was a river beside the university. I was staying in the hostel on the 2nd floor. There were 2 beds in each room. At that time, we actually had squatting toilets. Every morning, students were expected to do their own beds. We studied Shakespeare at that time. There was no History, Geography or Mathematics"

Visit the site where Dad studiedEast China Normal University

Recorded by ANG

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